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Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion
Here are a few paintings from Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion by noted artists. Click the images for larger versions.

Alan Lee: The Taming of Smeagol
Gollum attacks Samwise only to be overcome by Frodo.
John Howe: Turambar and Glaurung
Turin Turambar and Glaurung are locked in vicious battle.
John Howe: Old Man Willow
Old Man Willow traps the hobbits in his roots. I know we'll be missing this in the movie, so I might as well post a little visual reminder.
John Howe: The Bridge of Khazad Dum
Gandalf faces the Balrog in Moria. John Howe also designed the Balrog in the movie, so this is a glimpse of what it may look like.
Ted Nasmith: The Silmarillion
This is a great image from The Silmarillion illustrated novel. I believe Nasmith has a hand in the movies as well.
Ted Nasmith: Gondolin
Tuor reaches the hidden city of Gondolin.
Ted Nasmith: Gorgoroth
Sam and Frodo cross the treaturous field of Gorgoroth towards Mount Doom.